System Notes:
August 29, 2023. Pages that timeout may redirect to a non-existent page. Impact is minimal. ETA TBD.
TrxSys Certified Replicator Nodes are available for the TrxSys Network
Certified Replicator Nodes (CRN) represent independent organizations that attest to the integrity of the TrxSys network. They provide: 
Platform integrity validation. A certified replicator node (CRN) periodically pulls ledger state from TrxSys. That information serves as validation of ledger integrity. Attestation certificates will act as transaction hash collections.
Distributed transactions(Not available yet) Replicate transaction to one or more replicators. Users of TrxSys can replicate to a CRN for transactions that they own or are permissioned to.
Failover and interoperabilityTo provide operational continuity in the event of failure of TrxSys. In the event of a shutdown of TrxSys, users of TrxSys could "repatriate" transactions that they own or are permissioned to into one or more CRNs.
Certified Replicator Nodes (CRN)