A "chain app" represents a collection of related records (transactions). There are two ways to store related transactions. 1) Create a chain app and write transactions to it
via API. See Proof of Concept. Alternatively, a simple chain app form can be created using the following instructions.
The type of chain app created with the following instructions uses Software as a Service (SaaS) model where the interface to the chain app, the logic and rights for the chain app,
and the underlying data are controlled through the TrxSys graphical web interface. TrxSys is an experimental blockchain structured around the concept of Multiplexed Ledger Technology (MLT). The following describes how to create a simple Chain App that will allow multiple parties (i.e. companies) to share immutable information. TrxSys is very easy to use. You can literally get a Chain App up and running in a few minutes. But, don't mistake "easy and intuitive" as lacking in capability. TrxSys blockchain is the most feature rich and highest performing blockchain system supporting public, private and enterprise blockchains. We have redesigned blockchain from the ground up to get rid of the nonsense of conventional blockchain while building in features necessary for a serious blockchain. TrxSys states that the purpose of blockchain should be to allow for highly trusted data storage with immutable authoritative decoupling of transactions. What this means is that in our Transaction as a Service model the creator of a transaction will retain ownership and control. The same applies for the Chain App. The creator of the Chain App, because the code for the Chain App exists in a blockchain transaction, will retain ownership and control. Some questions that you may have:
        Chain App example screen shot
Running a POC: As mentioned,
More details on creating a Chain App:To create a chain involves three steps. First, fill out some basic information in the below form describing the blockchain or 'chain' you want to create. Second, fill in the names of the data fields. Finally, review the information and click 'Create Chain' to finalize.Your chain will be created immediately. You can then share the Chain Name or the Chain ID for people to start using it. The information collected here will actually be written as a transaction to the TrxSys blockchain. The fee that you charge should be relatively small. At this time we limit fees. If the chain is "private" then there is an step. You will need to send (like email) the chain ID to the other user you want to have access to the new Chain App. TrxSys charges a small fee for every transaction including creating a chain. It is very small. See TrxSys fees.
Chain App SetupChain Name:Limited to 50 characters. No spaces or special characters such as ~!@#\$%^&*(){}[]\\ It is recommended to simply run words together. Do not use names that obviously belong to someone else (like Google or Facebook) If your intent is to practice creating a Chain App then either set 'Public Chain = No' or include the keyword 'testchainapp' in the Chain App name or in the keywords. This will allow us to later filter the Chain App name from the public search capability.
Chain ID:
Quantity of Fields:
Public Chain:
Authoritative Domain:
Chain App Setup:
Chain App FieldsFilling in the names of the data fields.The next page that is displayed after setting up the main parameters for the Chain App will be the field definitions. There will the same quantity of fields that were specified on the prior page.
Do not use spaces in the field name.
Completing the Chain App ConfirmationFinalizing the Chain App:
The Chain App template has now been converted in the proper format for writing to the blockchain.
        You will now see a confirmation message stating that the Chain App (Chain Template) has been written to the blockchain. To confirm that it was written to the blockchain correctly, go to your 'My Account' page. You will see that your total transaction count has incremented by one. But, even better, go ahead and try out your new Chain App.
Using a Chain App:Accessing, sharing and viewing Chain App data
Once you have created a Chain App then it will become available for use. If it is a public Chain App then anyone can find it and use it. If it is a private Chain App then it can only be found
by those that you share the chain address with. Eventually, you will be able to assign rights to specific users to access your Chain App.
        Whether you are the Chain App developer or, more importantly a user of the Chain App, finding and using a Chain App is very easy.
Accessing your Chain App:
Sharing the Chain App with others: The 'bookmark' allows you to save a Chain App in your 'My Chain Apps'. This is useful to save the address of a Chain App if someone sends you a link to their Chain App.
Viewing Chain App data:   |